Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Black walnuts making a big mess

Last week, I started picking up ripe black walnuts from 5 producing trees on the property. Black walnuts have a different, stronger flavor than "normal" English walnuts, and sell for $14 a pound in local stores.
Here's a blog site with pictures of the walnuts and the process to extract the nutmeat:

The reason they're so expensive is because it is a BIG PAIN to process them. The outside hull stains your hands, shoes, floor, everything else. The shells are super thick, and at least for my trees, painfully spiky in some places.

I have about 200 nuts drying on an old window screen right now. We will see how many I end up trying to process. I've been gone for several days so they may have all fallen from the trees and started to rot by now.

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